~new.0wx.es~ :: File hosting and other useful tools

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Jabber/XMPP messaging on new.0wx.es

Welcome to the free Jabber server at new.0wx.es -- we hope you enjoy this service! For information about how to use Jabber, visit the Jabber User's Guide at http://www.jabber.org/

Contact: admin@0wx.es over XMPP or root@new.0wx.es via mail.

Location: Madrid, MA, España

Privacy: No more information is collected and stored than what is absolutely necessary. Rosters, vcards, offline messages, and so forth. If you delete your account all of them will get purged. There are no logs.

Up time: As much as possible. No guarantees.

Domains: Pick one of the following: 0wx.es, 0wx.org, 0wx.eu

Register: Connect with any XMPP-enabled IM-client and just create your own account.

(p) 2018 new.0wx.es -/- Powered by Linux and GNU. Live free or die! (root@new.0wx.es)